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Contact Us

For more information in a specific area, please contact us below:

East Saugatuck Church
3815 56th Street
Holland, MI 49423

Phone Numbers
Church Office: (269) 751-5889
Prayer Line: (269) 751-PRAY (7729)

If you would like to email us for more information, you can direct your request to the appropriate person by looking at the contact list below.


Area Contact Person Email Address

General Info/Announcements Mailbox:


Outreach/Community Needs: Pastor Nathan Gritter
Worship: Pastor Wayne Bakker
Announcements: Kim Poll
Children's Programs: Hannah Bosch
Youth Programs: Courtney Lubbers
Kids' Hope USA: Stephanie Kragt
Small Groups: Kim Poll
Volunteer Opportunities: Kim Poll
Website Comments/Suggestions: Chad Dykstra



You can also use the following form to send a message to our general information mailbox.

Your Name:
Your email: